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Economic Complexity Theory in the Time of Coronavirus

Originally created for Medium These  vintage prototypes  by Weston Neil Andersen, presented in the images throughout this story, tell of a love for the work process which evolved into our company,  Andersen Design Introduction I grew up in a business in a home that designs and handcrafts ceramics. For a while the business also had a production employing about 25 people in a separate location. It was found that our type of production is better suited to a smaller more intimate setting, such as a business attached to a home. However, over the course of 67 years, the size of the of the line grew too wide and large to be produced in a small studio and I envisioned that the future of production should be a network of small independently owned ceramic production studios, which could function as an interactive network. Last month my idea was an anomaly as if existing in an alternate reality, but as the world turned toward social distancing and sheltering i...

Philosophy and the Making of a Spiritual and Artistic Life

Vintage Classic Tropical Fish Designed by Weston Newil Andersen In Philip K Dick's fictionalized biography,  Valis , the fish is an ancient symbol of Christianity. Christianity is the philosophy that my Dad, Weston Neil Andersen ceramic designer and co-founder of Andersen Design , found in the latter years of his life. In earlier days, when the fish in the image above was created, both my parents identified as agnostics. They didn't know if God exists, or perhaps they just didn't know what knowing means. When one applies knowing to God, it must be in the gnostic sense, not in objectivity for God is not an object. God is presence, everywhere. God is in the meaningfulness of life. In the fifties and sixties, Dad was very involved in the readings of Edgar Casey. Later Dad spent time reading Carlos Castaneda. In latter days, after he lost the use of his eyesight. Dad listened to the entire recordings of the New Testament. We call it the rocket ship, bu...

New Old Things in Transitional February

Greetings on a slow misty February Day. I am continuing in the project of documenting and publishing our vintage work. We are hoping for a new door to open soon, which will bring with it many challenges. For now it is just a steady pace of keeping on keeping on, in preparation for the new. These are a few recently posted items. Original prototype of Canada Goose Small One of a Kind Fledgling Robin Prototype Original Prototype of Egg Form Vase with Lip circa 1950 Very rare five sided Geometric Vase The small melon vase, simple and sensuous light and shadow catchers. The glazes on these two are perfectly done. Snail Prototype I am continuing the Medium journey, taking advantage of the opportunity to synthesize everything that is evolving into something whole.I am not sure where it is all going, but certainty is an really only an illusion. My latest Medium post is a synopsis of sorts. Spring is incrementally moving in! The Andersens

A Vintage Brand

Prototypes of the straight mug with blue and green hand painted stripes Dear Friends of Andersen Design, The mugs two mugs above are signed with a personal scripted signature, used at a time before the idea of a brand (Andersen Design) emerged. These are very early works, likely original prototypes of the simple and classic straight mug with hand decorated stripes Two vintage prototypes Below is a rare set of four straight mugs. These mugs were created in the production process. Although this design appears  simple, it is not easily executed without daily practice, The colors have to be properly adjusted. Working with the brushes and the ceramic colors and laying down the stripes in a rhythmic  pattern relies on intuitive confidence and a properly balanced white glaze. Practice makes perfect. Set of Four Vintage Blue Green Stripe Mugs The mug in the upper left corner has a skip, adding to its charm, Usually a skip just happens but an artist coul...

The Rare Original One of A Kind Midcentury Platters by Brenda Andersen

A Great New Year Unfolds! ➤ Calling for Contributors to New Medium Publication,  Hand Making Makers of the World Presenting The Rare Original One of A Kind Mid-century Platters  by Brenda Andersen  Brenda Andersen designed many of Andersen Design's production patterns and in the process there were times when she veneered into pure creativity producing uniquely and spontaneous one of a kind objects of art.The liberty to let the craftsmanship and discipline of repetitive patterning interact with the inspired imagination of the creative artisan became part of the Andersen Design production process confounding conventional concepts of production. The Platter decorated in a blue green tree exemplifies the way that Brenda was able to decorate in a style that is at one controlled and lyrical. The graceful leaves and branches require a discipline of will to maintain their consistent character but it there is never a feeling of a mechaniz...

New Year News and Hope!

New Medium Publication Hand Made Makers of The World In exploring Medium, I have found that it is a place that has much to offer but what it doesn't have is a strong publication representing the hand made artist designer community. This is unsurprising because as the world evolves, large forces have also excluded many things valued in the past to paint the world in digital brush strokes. This phenomena is evident in my economic development research from Marco Rubio's,  American Investment in the Twenty First Century , which identifies a global world divided into high value (high tech) and low value (inclusive of most hand made objects not sold in upper end markets) economies, to Boothbay's local economic development council To correct this deficiency, I created my own Medium Publication: Designer Craftsmen of America and the World  Please contact me if you would like to be part of this publication, which is seeking collaborators. In a world moving toward coll...