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Showing posts with the label Andersen Design

The Cultural Transformation of a Middle Class Vacationland

Boothbay Maine confronts its past and future. P hoto by  Alif Assis  on  Unsplash I threw the Tarot cards today. The Moon reversed, is in an outcome position. Sometimes one has to let oneself be guided by psychic forces, requiring a surrender to faith existing at a visceral level of consciousness. The future can’t be planned or analyzed, only felt and listened toward because it is operating out of unbroken wholeness. Don’t try to justify or explain the long and winding road you are on, but if you have strong enough faith, follow it where it leads, stopping, along the way to smell the roses and enjoy the moments that are life itself in full living color P hoto by  Mackenzie Andersen  on  Unsplash I compose my blog by discovering the story as it unfolds, as I am doing now. I don’t know what the story is going to be until it says so. Dive in, and suddenly the story is in an ocean, coming in with the tide, influenced by the cycles of the moon. These days, ...

A Vintage Brand

Prototypes of the straight mug with blue and green hand painted stripes Dear Friends of Andersen Design, The mugs two mugs above are signed with a personal scripted signature, used at a time before the idea of a brand (Andersen Design) emerged. These are very early works, likely original prototypes of the simple and classic straight mug with hand decorated stripes Two vintage prototypes Below is a rare set of four straight mugs. These mugs were created in the production process. Although this design appears  simple, it is not easily executed without daily practice, The colors have to be properly adjusted. Working with the brushes and the ceramic colors and laying down the stripes in a rhythmic  pattern relies on intuitive confidence and a properly balanced white glaze. Practice makes perfect. Set of Four Vintage Blue Green Stripe Mugs The mug in the upper left corner has a skip, adding to its charm, Usually a skip just happens but an artist coul...

The Rare Original One of A Kind Midcentury Platters by Brenda Andersen

A Great New Year Unfolds! ➤ Calling for Contributors to New Medium Publication,  Hand Making Makers of the World Presenting The Rare Original One of A Kind Mid-century Platters  by Brenda Andersen  Brenda Andersen designed many of Andersen Design's production patterns and in the process there were times when she veneered into pure creativity producing uniquely and spontaneous one of a kind objects of art.The liberty to let the craftsmanship and discipline of repetitive patterning interact with the inspired imagination of the creative artisan became part of the Andersen Design production process confounding conventional concepts of production. The Platter decorated in a blue green tree exemplifies the way that Brenda was able to decorate in a style that is at one controlled and lyrical. The graceful leaves and branches require a discipline of will to maintain their consistent character but it there is never a feeling of a mechaniz...

New Year News and Hope!

New Medium Publication Hand Made Makers of The World In exploring Medium, I have found that it is a place that has much to offer but what it doesn't have is a strong publication representing the hand made artist designer community. This is unsurprising because as the world evolves, large forces have also excluded many things valued in the past to paint the world in digital brush strokes. This phenomena is evident in my economic development research from Marco Rubio's,  American Investment in the Twenty First Century , which identifies a global world divided into high value (high tech) and low value (inclusive of most hand made objects not sold in upper end markets) economies, to Boothbay's local economic development council To correct this deficiency, I created my own Medium Publication: Designer Craftsmen of America and the World  Please contact me if you would like to be part of this publication, which is seeking collaborators. In a world moving toward coll...

Production and Consumerism in High Culture

This Eating Duck is included in our Vintage Fundraiser , priced to afford to launch a mug project with an existing American slip casting studio The Eating Duck is the last sculpture Dad worked on, and the first one in which the subject is involved in an activity as opposed to a portrait in repose. It began as our egg form vase and the sculpture was built around it. It seemed no co-incidence that the last sculpture Dad created, hatched from an egg, one of my Dad's elemental forms, suggests a future direction for the company he founded. As I worked with these images I realized that the subject matter calls out to be reproduced as an outdoor sculpture. The space created by the sculpture is very intimate. One can get very very close to the duck as it feeds. The Eating Duck is a natural subject for an out door sculpture in a rural public square or on a woodland walk, and a reminder of our planetary co-habitants in an urban landscape. It would be striking in a sculpture ga...

Deconstructing Centralization Requires So Many Butterflies! Part One

One of a Kind Bowl by Weston Neil Andersen Early Fifties or Late Forties . The bowl appears to be thrown suggesting that Weston may have created it when he was in Ohio. It is decorated in a wonderfully organic abstract pattern, identifying the decorator as Weston, rather than Brenda. The white rim on the outside of the bowl is uneven giving the work a humanistic appeal .The pattern is intuitive taking on a resemblance to a hieroglyphic alphabet arising from the personal sub conscience of the creator. Story narrated by Susan Mackenzie Andersen Introduction Andersen Design is not only the products which we make, we are also a brand. Brands become characters in our collective drama. The persona played out by the Andersen Design brand in the national and global drama is that of natural American individualism. free enterprise, and microeconomics. These traits are written into our history but what does that mean in today's world ? and why does it matter if the Andersen Design ...