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Showing posts with the label nonfiction environment sustainability Boothbay Region politics JECD Green Party Work at Home Home Business Remote working economic development

The LifeStyle Approach To Economic Development Makes An Environmentally Sustainable Paradigm

 I find support for home businesses in unexpected places The Happy Face, a one of a kind painting by Brenda Andersen in the 1950s on mug by WestonAndersen produced in a categorically new type of production- the production as an art form located on Southport Island Maine, the home of original Andersen Design , Image by Mackenzie Andersen I have been trying to read the Camoin Report - a development plan for the Boothbay Peninsula in Maine. A local public-private group calling itself the Joint Economic Community Development council for Boothbay and Boothbay Harbor (JECD) spent 79000.00 of taxpayers’ money to hire New York consultants to prepare a plan for our community. My initial reaction was that a remote consultant firm cannot create as relevant a development plan as someone who knows the community well, but in all fairness, the report does a decent job of representing all views in the community, more so than we usually get from our community leaders. That scores a point for us...