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Showing posts with the label nonfiction Boothbay Roundabout Boothbay Endangered Water Supply Botanical Gardens Boothbay Country Club Economic Development Environmental Protection Ceramic Slip Casting Overcrowding

What Ceramic Casting Slip Can Tell About The Effects of Development On The Water Supply, That Our Political Leaders Won’t Say

jelleke-vanooteghem-unsplash Today there is a cloud of topics floating around in my head and I am wondering which is the starting point of this story and so I begin in the present where I am pondering how to begin.   I started writing on Medium because I have a mission to preser v e  my family's historical hand-crafted ceramic art and design business  into the future. My motivation for doing so is simple, or at least it was in the beginning. My mission began with a love for the work process for which I am very grateful for having been given such a life but such a life also makes me an outsider and so I understand the need for places in society where the outsider finds a home. Our business has provided that to more than a few outsiders throughout its history which began in 1952. Right now the business does not have a physical form and so it has receded into its primordial beginnings where its philosophical content and meaning are its form.  The material forms that the...