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Showing posts with the label Saturn

A Starlit Conjunction Brightens the Horizon as the Days Grow Longer

 A Christmas Star Makes a Rare Appearance at the End of 2020 juvnsky-anton-maksimov-unsplash Christmas is already upon us in this strangest of years, preceded by a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction on the night of the Winter Solstice creating an image in the sky of the Christmas Star as it appeared in Jerusalem on the original Christmas Day.  Here is an amazing shot from Japan of the Christmas Star in 2020. At the end of year filled with such a earth changing events, it sends chills and hope as a star in a form so meaningful appears above the world and, for the first time in 200 years, the Saturn and Jupiter Conjunction is occurring in an Air sign instead of an Earth sign and it will continue to meet in Air signs every twenty years through 2080. According to astrologers, these rare heavenly events herald a time of paradigm change with different values coming into prominence than those that dominated during the meetups in earth signs. Jupiter and Saturn are moving into Aquarius, ...