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Showing posts with the label Maine economy

Who Do You Think You Are? A Voice from the People in Maine’s Pine Tree Zone Debate

Maine's Pine Tree Zone Tax Exemptions will be up for renewal again, scheduled to end in Dec 2021, A look back at what happened the last time and what can be done better this time. Who Do you Think You ARE! ? photo by Mackenzie Andersen “Who do you think you are?”, he said, as though I needed to be granted permission from an omnipotent authority to speak my mind freely.  He is over reacting, I thought. I had merely asked his friend if he was the person who works as an analyst for the State of Maine. No answer was forthcoming as the the public conversation was deleted and continued as private messaging commencing with this: Bad move to expose my friend like that. Please consider using discretion better if you want to remain friends. I just said OK. His next message began “Thank you”, seemingly interpreting “OK” as agreement that I would behave according to his instructions. I meant- OK, if asking the simple question means he will stop being friends with me, so be it. There was noth

Wendy Rosen's Campaign for Indelible Labeling Meets the Global State's Foreign Trade Zones.

Click to Go to our KickStarter Campaign Preview I saw this Posted on FaceBook by Wendy Rosen, a mover and shaker in the American crafts market: REBUILDING MANUFACTURING & MAKING IN AMERICA by Wendy Rosen Wendy Rosen has been advocating for indelible labeling of imports for years. During  the beginning of the Baldacci administration, Wendy Rosen sent me an initiative on this and I submitted it to "the creative economy list serve" a list serve sponsored by Maine's public-private government, jurored by its friends. My message asked Mainers to contact Olympia Snowe but the overlords of the listserve rejected my submission. I then took the message to a local craft fair. I could not even finish my first sentence before people were grabbing it out of my hand. I told them that it had been rejected from the list serve. Someone suggested I contact Mrs Baldacci. I did so but did not get a personal response from the Governor's wife. Ho

A New Model of "Public Benefit", Learning Institutions, and the "Creative Economy"

     We will be offering the large Fish as a reward in our KickStarter project, as a signed and dated One of A Kind series. The large fish was modeled by Weston Neil Andersen, after he developed macular degeneration. The stoneware fish is based on a Carp but is primarily an archetypical Fish, assembled, carved and decorated with artistic imagination by yours truly, Susan Mackenzie Andersen Going back to the post on the British Pottery Industry, I introduced this research paper  The Strategic Management of Outsourcing in the UK Ceramics Industry , published by by The Manchester School Of Management in 2001. The paper represents industry thinking on outsourcing at that time, which advised outsource all activities except the core business activity. However, as valuable a paper as this is, there are no set rules for which activities a company should outsource,and no set rules on what motivates the thinking process that leads one to such conclusions. The article merely discusses t

Andersen Studio Launches KickStarter Diaries

  Portfolio of images of stoneware baby seal by Andersen Studio Greetings World, I am starting today this journal of our first KickStarter Project. This is a process within a process.. At this stage in our history our ultimate goal is to transform our creative and unique family business into a form that can be carried on by others beyond our own family  so that  future generations of Americans can have the opportunity to participate in what we feel is a very rewarding occupation and lifestyle. I formulated my idea of how this can be done around about 2007, which you can read HERE and also learn about our history in the process. The link dated 2012 was written more recently in pursuit of the same vision. Both were written before I had heard about KickStarter . Kickstarter is a natural fit  for Andersen Studio as we are a small ceramic art, design and production studio operating in the private sector. Since we opened our gallery doors in 1952, our work became collectible