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Showing posts with the label Hand made

No Plan? Or Just Not Saying? Boothbay's Unfunded Fifty-Million-Dollar School. Time to Visualize An Alternative Way.

Comparing Centralized and Decentralized Development Strategies for Future Culture and Economies. Hannah Joshua Unsplash In the recent Boothbay Register write-up about Boothbay's fifty-million-dollar school project, school board member Bruce MacDonald commented on the missing discussion pertaining to education. In  a Nov 2020 article in the Boothbay Register , a discussion about education was initiated by Lance Whitehead, of Lavallee Brensinger Architects, the same architects who were recently selected to design the master plan. Quoting – Lance Whitehead, of Lavallee Brensinger Architects from that article: “We wanted to create some sort of biophilic design as part of any solution ... Future driven school with guiding principles that are community based education, economically viable, social-emotional learning environments for multi-age groups, future-proofing as much as possible ... and really making it unique for your local resources” So let's talk about the future and let...

The Rare Original One of A Kind Midcentury Platters by Brenda Andersen

A Great New Year Unfolds! ➤ Calling for Contributors to New Medium Publication,  Hand Making Makers of the World Presenting The Rare Original One of A Kind Mid-century Platters  by Brenda Andersen  Brenda Andersen designed many of Andersen Design's production patterns and in the process there were times when she veneered into pure creativity producing uniquely and spontaneous one of a kind objects of art.The liberty to let the craftsmanship and discipline of repetitive patterning interact with the inspired imagination of the creative artisan became part of the Andersen Design production process confounding conventional concepts of production. The Platter decorated in a blue green tree exemplifies the way that Brenda was able to decorate in a style that is at one controlled and lyrical. The graceful leaves and branches require a discipline of will to maintain their consistent character but it there is never a feeling of a mechaniz...