Extrapolating into the Future While Walking and Ranting Through America’s Command Economy Politics. This Post was selected for the Best Of Tremr! nathan-dumlao-unsplash The Battle of the Centuries Far-reaching ideological battles are concealed in, and over shadowed by policy issues of a moment. As corona virus explodes uncontrollably in the midwest and fires ravage the west coast, on the coast of Southern Maine, we are experiencing a real estate boom in properties selling at all price points. I marvel at the ability of some leaders to think on their feet, turn on a dime, and make decisions that reverberate across the world. Remote working is becoming a main stream institution, overnight, giving cause to extrapolate how remote working will transform ideologies and vice versa. While the term “remote workers” implies workers who derive their primary income from a large corporation, remote workers are also a subset of independent contractors and businesses in a home, mod...
Andersen Studio Evolution Diaries is a journal of Andersen Studio's business evolution commencing on June 25 2012