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Showing posts with the label Designer-craftsmen

No Plan? Or Just Not Saying? Boothbay's Unfunded Fifty-Million-Dollar School. Time to Visualize An Alternative Way.

Comparing Centralized and Decentralized Development Strategies for Future Culture and Economies. Hannah Joshua Unsplash In the recent Boothbay Register write-up about Boothbay's fifty-million-dollar school project, school board member Bruce MacDonald commented on the missing discussion pertaining to education. In  a Nov 2020 article in the Boothbay Register , a discussion about education was initiated by Lance Whitehead, of Lavallee Brensinger Architects, the same architects who were recently selected to design the master plan. Quoting – Lance Whitehead, of Lavallee Brensinger Architects from that article: “We wanted to create some sort of biophilic design as part of any solution ... Future driven school with guiding principles that are community based education, economically viable, social-emotional learning environments for multi-age groups, future-proofing as much as possible ... and really making it unique for your local resources” So let's talk about the future and let...