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Showing posts with the label Centralized Economy

No Plan? Or Just Not Saying? Boothbay's Unfunded Fifty-Million-Dollar School. Time to Visualize An Alternative Way.

Comparing Centralized and Decentralized Development Strategies for Future Culture and Economies. Hannah Joshua Unsplash In the recent Boothbay Register write-up about Boothbay's fifty-million-dollar school project, school board member Bruce MacDonald commented on the missing discussion pertaining to education. In  a Nov 2020 article in the Boothbay Register , a discussion about education was initiated by Lance Whitehead, of Lavallee Brensinger Architects, the same architects who were recently selected to design the master plan. Quoting – Lance Whitehead, of Lavallee Brensinger Architects from that article: “We wanted to create some sort of biophilic design as part of any solution ... Future driven school with guiding principles that are community based education, economically viable, social-emotional learning environments for multi-age groups, future-proofing as much as possible ... and really making it unique for your local resources” So let's talk about the future and let'

Economic Complexity Theory in the Time of Coronavirus

Originally created for Medium These  vintage prototypes  by Weston Neil Andersen, presented in the images throughout this story, tell of a love for the work process which evolved into our company,  Andersen Design Introduction I grew up in a business in a home that designs and handcrafts ceramics. For a while the business also had a production employing about 25 people in a separate location. It was found that our type of production is better suited to a smaller more intimate setting, such as a business attached to a home. However, over the course of 67 years, the size of the of the line grew too wide and large to be produced in a small studio and I envisioned that the future of production should be a network of small independently owned ceramic production studios, which could function as an interactive network. Last month my idea was an anomaly as if existing in an alternate reality, but as the world turned toward social distancing and sheltering in place, the world