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Showing posts with the label Carving Your Own Way

Starting a Remote Work Career from Scratch

How I came to be recruited without an organizational background mitchell-hartley-unsplash I am taking a break from working on my consulting profile. Submitting my profile will mean having an agent for remote work. I was invited to do so as an outcome of publishing on my own as an unknown. In corporate speak, I have been recruited.  I am now creating my portal to the remote working community and scaling into the larger world where I have traditionally found greater acceptance. I have not the conventional background but the movers and shakers are not necessarily looking for conventional. All you have to do is watch a few TV series to know that! Right now I am watching the latest season of Billions. I remember it being more interesting than it is this season. The characters seem to have become more wooden or maybe they always were but it didn’t bother me before. It is useful to watch at this particular juncture because the show probably has a lot right about corporate culture. The cha...