The Large Sea Urchin Bowl A Special Fund Raising Project Space to Display, Organize, and Archive The Andersen Vintage Line BY You Can Make a tax deductible donation to The Andersen Design Museum of American Designer Craftsmen HERE Transitions This year we have been facing the probability of losing our home where in Andersen Design's production space and retail gallery have been located since 1952. Last Sunday we were served notice to quit the premises in 31 days so it looks likely that we will lose this battle- but it is not over until its over so there is still an unlikely but still possible chance of staying here in our historic location.We are concerned about the future of this property if this old house is left unattended during the winter months. We would like to negotiate with the bank to let us stay for our mutual advantages, But for now we have to also find another place to live. We have found a ...
Andersen Studio Evolution Diaries is a journal of Andersen Studio's business evolution commencing on June 25 2012