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Showing posts from October, 2017

A Space For Andersen Design's Vintage Collection

  The Large Sea Urchin Bowl  A Special Fund Raising Project Space to Display, Organize, and Archive The Andersen Vintage Line BY   You Can Make a tax deductible donation to The Andersen Design Museum of American Designer Craftsmen HERE Transitions This year we have been facing the probability of losing our home where in Andersen Design's production space and retail gallery have been located since 1952. Last Sunday we were served notice to quit the premises in 31 days so it looks likely that we will lose this battle- but it is not over until its over so there is still an unlikely but still possible chance of staying here in our historic location.We are concerned about the future of this property if this old house is left unattended during the winter months. We would like to negotiate with the bank to let us stay for our mutual advantages, But for now we have to also find another place to live. We have found a ...

The System Outside the System

HISTORY  MATTERS BY     In 1952, when my parents, Weston and Brenda Andersen started Andersen Design, then called Ceramics by Andersen, there was no National Foundation For the Arts, and there was no ensuing wealth re-distributive non-profit arts industry. Even the trade shows had not yet been invented.  Andersen Design  was started as a leap of faith.  I grew up within the very long arc of that leap of faith, realized after I had left home to attend Pratt Institute, when the enterprise became financially successful, providing a comfortable income. A Tradition of Innovation The fact that Andersen Design was born in the age before government and non-profit support for the arts spread across the land, and even before the trade shows provided a venue for reaching national buyers, is an important aspect of Andersen Design's historical significance- it was the e...